Free And Confidential Cyber Security Risk Assessment
Reveals Where Your Company Is At High Risk To Ransomware,
Hackers And Other Devastating Cyber-Attacks

When this 100% confidential Risk Assessment is complete, you will know:

  • If you and your employees’ credentials, passwords and private information are being sold on the Dark Web (I can practically guarantee they are, and the information we dig up will shock you).
  • IF your IT systems and data are truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, viruses, worms and even sabotage by rogue employees.
  • IF your current backup would allow you to be back up and running again fast if ransomware locked all your files – 99% of the computer networks we’ve reviewed would NOT survive a ransomware attack.
  • IF your IT systems, backup and data handling meet strict compliance requirements for data protection.

You will also receive a customized “Total Potential Liability Report” that reveals a dollar figure of your liability based on the type of data you have and the vulnerabilities we find.

Don’t wait to find out the hard way! Please remember that EVERYTHING WE DISCUSS AND DISCOVER WILL BE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

About Us

Started in 2007, Cite Technology Solutions is a complete technology solution provider. We are 100% committed to making sure business owners have the most reliable and professional IT service in South Louisiana. Our team of talented IT professionals can solve your IT nightmares once and for all.

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Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in any way.

See What Our Clients Are Saying

What’s been the single biggest benefit to you and your company since moving to Cite Managed Services?

The single biggest benefit is the “set it and forget it feature”. Meaning, if there is an IT issue or problem, I know they will take care of it quickly Problems get addressed quickly which is all I can ask for.

What do you feel we do better than other IT firms you may have worked with in the past?

The responsiveness as mentioned above. Things get set up quick, resolved quick, answered quick. We live in a face paced technology driven world. If you are not connected to the outside world, you lose valuable time in production.

If someone was on the fence about choosing us as their IT firm, what would you say to them?

All businesses have many issues, you do not want the headache of dealing with internet providers, firewalls being down, routers going out etc. I do not even know what half of that means, but I know it happens. Take that out of your hands for a great price and allow Cite Technology Solutions to take care of that. Then you can focus on your business and its growth. That will pay dividends for your companies future.

Chad Moody Masion De Lafayette

What do you feel we do better than other IT firms you may have worked with in the past?

The team at CITE has become an integral part of our team here at Lafayette Surgical Specialty Hospital. The on-site representative is an invaluable asset to our business operations, and had significantly expedited response to service needs, avoiding undo interruptions in operations.

If someone was on the fence about choosing us as their IT firm, what would you say to them?

For anyone considering a team to partner with, I believe the people at CITE make the difference. Their acceptance of and ownership in our organizational culture have been a valuable resource to our business operations.

Jonathon Koob Lafayette Surgical Specialty Hospital

What do you feel we do better than other IT firms you may have worked with in the past?

Customer service is always first and foremost the area where Cite Technologies trumps other IT firms.

If someone was on the fence about choosing us as their IT firm, what would you say to them?

If customer service and security are top priorities for your company than you need to give Cite a chance to prove themselves. If that doesn't push them over the edge, than the icing on the cake is all of the above at an unbeatable price tag.

Adam Broussard N2 Solutions