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How to Ensure Compliance When Working Remotely

Oct 27, 2022 10:54:45 AM

How to Ensure Compliance When Working Remotely | Cite Tech

Many businesses are using remote or hybrid work models to stay operational. Although there are advantages to this workplace style, it also creates new opportunities for compliance and cybersecurity threats.

Businesses using a remote work model are at a greater risk of data breaches, with cybercriminals targeting home networks and employees saving files locally.

If you are a small business, you should never regard cybersecurity as an afterthought.  

In this blog, we'll explore the various compliance and security concerns remote work might bring about and effective solutions to overcome them. Despite there being more cyberthreats now than ever before, businesses can still triumph against these threats by implementing innovative technological solutions - even if every employee is working remotely.

Challenges to Security and Compliance with Remote Work

Many companies are now using remote or hybrid work models, however only a few have reliable policies and processes in place to support secure remote work. Even some of the most significant organizations struggle to meet compliance standards when their employees are working from home.

The following are common challenges businesses face when managing remote teams:

Reduced Security

Business data is constantly at risk because employees often use their business devices on unsecured home networks and personal devices for work.

Inability to Enforce Best Practices

Though you can ensure data security best practices are followed when employees work in the office, it's more difficult to do so when they're remote. This is because they might use shared networks or public Wi-Fi connections, which creates complications regarding security.

Inadequate Backup

Data backup failure is increasingly common, so businesses must take care to have more than one copy of essential data stored remotely in case their servers are breached.

Lack of Employee Awareness

Even when companies train their staff in data security and handling, human error is often the root cause of data breaches. Proper awareness training should be given to all employees, but especially those who work remotely. 

Learn more about how to protect against cybersecurity threats below!

Protect Against Cybersecurity Threats | Cite Tech

Best Ways to Ensure Compliance During Remote Work

Although working from home makes it more difficult to stay compliant with various regulations, there are some best practices organizations can incorporate to boost their security.

1. Create a Cybersecurity Policy

Having a designated policy for cybersecurity should be at the top of every organization's list, especially in light of recent events. This is because it can mitigate their exposure to risk by establishing proper standards and best practices for cybersecurity education among employees.

2. Incorporate a Consistent Data Storage Policy

Without a clear policy for cloud storage, employees will be unsure of how to proceed with storing and handling data. With cloud architecture, there should be an easily accessible repository on the cloud to back up files from various sources. In many situations, copies of data stored on local drives by employees can create security risks and inconsistencies in our policies. It is essential that everyone follows the same rules when it comes to storing information.

3. Increase Remote Monitoring

Endpoint management and cybersecurity policies are essential for any remote business, but incorporating them can be difficult without automation. A reliable remote monitoring solution will manage all your endpoints and help you stick to compliance regulations. By having complete visibility into the entire network, you'll be able to reduce vulnerabilities and security threats.

4. Increase Employee Awareness Through Training

Because humans are bound to make mistakes, it's important that companies provide proper training to those who work remotely. This type of instruction should emphasize key points like being careful about following links from unknown senders, strong password creation, and utilizing multi-factor authentication. If your organization adheres to certain compliance rules, then you'll need to go over the best practices for handling data with employees too.

5. Use the Right Tools and Solutions

With every advancement made by cybercriminals, you need to ensure you are using the most up-to-date and effective software tools. This includes a remote monitoring program in conjunction with an antivirus, cloud backup, password manager etc. Remember too that it is crucial these solutions all work together on one comprehensive platform. 

What Businesses Need Today

Ensuring compliance with regulations is a time-consuming task as it is. When you add on top of that the implementation of remote working policies and procedures, it can be overwhelming for organizations. You need to choose a security solution that will allow you to not only protect your data, but also one that allows you to maintain compliance in a remote work environment.

Reach out to us today so we can help you zero in on an effective compliance strategy customized for your needs.

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We provide comprehensive IT solutions for small and mid-sized organizations with complex needs. Offering 24/7 Tech Support, Remote Support and Cloud Storage. We specialize in data management, medical imaging, HL7 interfacing, and HIPAA compliance.


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